The annoyance of the forest. Most other humanoid species in the world wish that the pixie were dead. For some reason that no one knows, pixies have developed an attitude towards other humanoid species that borders on outright hatred. If adventurers ever encounter a group of pixies, the pixies will hide and wait for the exact perfect moment to jump out and scare or torment. If a group of adventurers ever accidentally stumbled across a hive of bugbears, for instance, the pixies would choose the moment that everyone was still suffering from surprise to attack. They do not really attack. They just torment and harass. If pixies were attacking adventurers that were, in turn, being attacked by another enemy, they would impede the adventurers so the adventurers would be unable to defend themselves. They are more than happy to steal, if it will result in a humanoid's unhappiness.
Pixies will follow a group for days, amusing themselves by torturing the adventurers. While adventurers sleep, pixies will make loud noises, drop rocks on the sleepers, and vandalize equipment. Pixies do not need sleep.
A small group of wizards is currently trying to create a spell that will exterminate the entire species.
Pixies are small fairies or sprites that have a prankish attitude towards other species.